Thoughts on knotty issues....

As your thinking partner I help you to untangle the difficult issues. Check out my blog articles to learn about my perspectives on current leadership and executive development topics.


Four Highpoints: Jazz Principles for Teamwork Excellence

Three days later I’m sitting in my office and can’t stop thinking about how we, as members of working teams, can learn from jazz improvisation.
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Great leaders embrace individuality!

Steps to Better Leadership: How the Process of Individuation Can Help You Become a Better Leader. One of the concepts I often use in my work as a coach is Carl Gustav Jung's concept of individuation.
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From Fear to Freedom

How Psychological Safety Can Transform Your Startup Culture - Plus, Take Our Free Psychological Safety Test
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Entrepreneur Burnout

The metaphor of “burning out” holds at least two interpretations. The first is that any fire requires resources (e.g. wood) to continue to burn. In the working context this relates to the fact that humans have limited resources available that deplete as we put energy into our work.
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Handwerkskunst Leadership – stop worshiping numbers

Luckily or not, as the youngest of four, my older brother took over my father’s bakery. A small business with ten employees serving hotels, restaurants, and residents of Fuschl am See, a beautiful little tourist village in Austria. I admire my brother’s relentless focus on quality: he’d never ...
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"Choose the one you don't like!" On finding the right executive coach

Markus sat at his new desk looking out the window on the 12th floor of a modern glass tower in the city-center of Munich. He should be happy. It was his first day in his new position as the head of sales for the public sector in Europe.
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